Analysis Of The Essay 'The Mulitasking Generation'

Decent Essays
"The Mulitasking Generation" p. 178

1. 3 Prereading Thoughts/Questions:
1. Is it truly possible to multitask?
2. How often does the average person multitask?
3. Has multitasking become a more common thing to do overtime?

2. Quote what you think is the thesis statement: "Humans have always had a capacity to attend several things at once."
My understanding: People have always been able to multitask.

3. Summarize describing three examples that express the meaning of the essay: Our generation (Generation M) is so stuck on our electronics and we normally don't set boundaries that will keep us from getting swallowed up in technology. It is understandable that people need to use these electronics to take care of work related duties, but this generation is multitasking way too much. Although the heavy load of multitasking that adolescents are doing can better prepare them for hectic futures, because the brain gets too excited it will lose the skill to maintain attentiveness, and takes away from the quality. Multitasking allows you to get an ample amount of things done rather than getting work done with value. Multitasking is truly a myth and it is really a sequential process, as humans can't actually do two things at once. Since humans are always so busy now days, they are forced to always be on their electronics to finish what needs to get done, but this can affect the future generations very much. As time goes on, the newer generations are born into an anti-social environment and won't have the natural human bond that we have had for centuries, and the social bond between people will be lost. 4. Format and structure, what kind of people are the intended audience: The author started off by giving an example of a family that is occupied in their own little world, each one of them multitasking, concentrating on work, listening to music, and talking to people on the phone. This little anecdote was the attention grabber. Then the author talks about how humans have always been multitasking so that we can get more things done at once. The author goes on to describe how multitasking is an inefficient way of doing things and how multitasking is something that is actually impossible and it's actually a sequential process. The author also did a good job giving examples and explaining how this generation is losing the ability to socialize because we are always on our electronics and we would much rather communicate through e-message because it is a easier way of communication. I think that the intended audience for this article is adults and teenagers. I believe that this article was meant to show the reader the negative effects of multitasking and using electronics too much. 5. Personal response, what surprised, confused you, or fascinated you: I think the author has a great point, and I concur.
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The author made it clear that this generation is multitasking and is online way more than we should be. As a high school student that is taking honors classes and college courses this article is something that I can really relate to, multitasking is something that my peers and I do so that we can finish all of our work as soon as possible while texting friends and listening to music. I was surprised to learn that multitasking is a myth, however, it made a lot of sense to me. Come to think of it, listening to music while doing homework or reading makes it more enjoyable and maybe even a little more relaxing, but it definitely can also be distracting and it may lower the value the work that I produce. 6. Define and use 2 meaningful and important vocabulary words: 1. "What happens, wonders UCLA's Ochs, as we replace side-by-side and eye-to-eye humanconnections with quick, disembodied e-exchanges?" My guess: detatched Dictionary meaning: disconnected My sentence: Over the years I imagine that technology and social media will lead to disembodied bonds, and in the long-run social activity will no longer exist. 2. "I'm not certain how the children can monitor all those things at the same time, but I think its pretty concequential for the structure of the family relationhip." My guess: nessesary Dictionary definition: important for success My sentence: I believe that it is concequential for everyone to work togeter to over come the damages we have mase to the earth. 7. One well-written sentence: "It's not

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