Sun Tzu Art Of War Analysis

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The first line of Sun Tzu’s Art of War is “War is a matter of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, survival or ruin.”
Sun Tzu knows that war could lead to disaster. Sometimes the best way to win is not to fight at all, this perhaps is what Sun Tzu’s ultimate secret is.
Nation often rush into wars, with very little concern or thinking through of the course it is going to be; not only in money but in terms of human suffering; not only to ourselves but the civilians of the country which we may be fighting. Before we go to war, we should question ourselves, are the reasons why we are fighting worth the total cost of the war or is there an alternative way.
As Sun Tzu asserts “the angry may be made happy again, but the dead cannot be brought back to life.” Still some historians believe the genius behind the Art of War was not actually Sun Tzu but a collection of different strategies. While his existence is still debated, his legacy isn’t. Today the Art of War is read and applied by generals, CEOs and professional sports coaches. And while it offers us insights to the battles of the past it could prepare us to wars of the future. Sun Tzu is extremely important for us today because the rules he had laid down are the same rules we apply to warfare today or should be applied today. Sun Tzu could instruct us not merely to know ourselves; to identify our strengths and our weaknesses, what we are competent of doing in the battlefield but constantly tells us that it is as essential, if not more so to cultivate a profound understanding of our adversaries so that we may better achieve our objectives. Throughout history, Sun Tzu’s philosophies have guided the outcome of war. We must embrace his wisdom or fight in darkness. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sun Tzu Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC) also called Sun Wu, was an ancient Chinese general, military expert and philosopher. He is widely believed to have been the author of the most important work of military strategy and theory, The Art of War. His name means 'Master Sun'. His family name is Sun; Tzu is an honorific (title of
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He recommended spies, deception and a commander having complete control of his soldiers. When he did fight, he understood warfare better than most of his opponents. Sun Tzu learned to win battles with the least loss of his own men.
Many historians believe he was the victor at the Battle of Boju in 506 BC. The great historian Sima Qian (145/135–86 BC), author of Shiji (Historical Record), called Sun Tzu an exceptional strategic battlefield commander. He also said Sun Tzu was both flexible and had unlimited surprises for his enemies. Sima Qian wrote that in his nearly 40-years as a general, Sun Tzu never lost a battle, a campaign or a war.
For at least the last two thousand years, Sun Tzu has had a tremendous influence on military thinking. The Art of War is credited by Mao Zedong as having helped him defeat Chiang Kai-Shek in the Chinese Civil War. Ho Chi Minh was a fan of Sun Tzu. He led the Communist Vietnamese in their fight against American-backed South Vietnam. American generals Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr. and Colin Powell followed principals in the Art of War in the Gulf

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