Analysis Of Sacrifice In Grapes Of Wrath

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John Ford’s inspiring film, Grapes of Wrath, pulls at the heartstrings of viewers. The film tells the story of the Joad family and their struggle to find work during the depression. The story begins with Tom Joad, the eldest son of the Joad family, finding that his family has been evicted from their home during the Oklahoma Dust Bowl and set out for California along with thousands of others in search of jobs, land, and hopes for a brighter future. Ford uses the story of the Joad family to convey the theme that the need of the many outweighs the needs of one. Ford uses Ma Joad, Tom Joad and Jim Casey to exemplify the need for supportive rather than individualistic ideals during rough times. Tom Joad is one of the most interesting
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She keeps everyone strong and positive. When the family is leaving their home to head to California Ma does not look back at her old life she instead she stays positive and only looks ahead at the hopeful future. Motely states, “as the older Joad men sink into ineffectiveness and despondency, family authority shifts to Ma Joad. First she aggressively challenges patriarchal decisions that might fragment the family, and by the end of the novel she has taken the initiative. When the men cannot find work at the government camp and have forfeited their patriarchal roles…” Ma Joad is undoubtedly the strongest of the Joad clan. As the family comes face to face with more and more obstacles Pa Joad seems to not know what to do. Ma and Tom are the ones who step up and form the backbone that will support the family. In nearly every action, Ma shows no concern for herself but for her family, and sometimes strangers. For example, when the family is stopped Ma has to tell the guard that Granma is sick and needs to find a doctor. Ma knows that Granma is dead, but remains calm in order to get her family past the …show more content…
In John Ford’s film adaptation of Steinbeck’s novel, Grapes of Wrath, three characters emerge as not so much heroes but as selfless leaders. Tom, Casey and Ma are all willing to sacrifice themselves, or what is best for them, for the benefit of the mass. Jim Casey’s Christ like character is shown not only through his actions, but can even be seen in his initials; they are the same as Jesus Christ. When Tom leaves his family he plans on continuing to sacrifice himself for the better of the people. He tells Ma, “as long as I’m an outlaw anyways maybe I can do something… and fix it.” Ma does everything in her power to keep her family fed and calm. When things get stressful Ma never panics; she is always stays calm and keeps the rest of the family on track. Grapes of Wrath teaches the audience that when times are tough one must sacrifice what is best for them and what is best for the

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