The Axiom dwellers lead the kind of life where each one is cocooned in its own shell. They hardly interact with each other. For every tiny bit of work, they take help of a machine instead of calling out to a friend for help. In real-life the growing dependence on the Internet to the point of being addicted to it is a very legitimate precursor to the kind of situation that the future human beings have landed themselves into in the movie. The virtual communication through internet, especially through the popular networking sites like Facebook, twitter and Instagram, have ironically seen to it that the thrust is more on the communication with faceless people who could as well be machines on the other side. This sort of isolation on the part of every individual makes each person aloof from the larger picture, unconcerned about what happens to the society at large or to the environment. We as humans have the ability to live our own lives without the use of constant technology. We have become so dependent on it to live our daily lives that it’s almost like an addiction for us. Instead of always being on your device get up go outside and meet up with a couple of friends to get something to eat. The world doesn’t always have to revolve around technology. In a way, Wall-E is us, the human race. Us humans are aware of the consequences of our
The Axiom dwellers lead the kind of life where each one is cocooned in its own shell. They hardly interact with each other. For every tiny bit of work, they take help of a machine instead of calling out to a friend for help. In real-life the growing dependence on the Internet to the point of being addicted to it is a very legitimate precursor to the kind of situation that the future human beings have landed themselves into in the movie. The virtual communication through internet, especially through the popular networking sites like Facebook, twitter and Instagram, have ironically seen to it that the thrust is more on the communication with faceless people who could as well be machines on the other side. This sort of isolation on the part of every individual makes each person aloof from the larger picture, unconcerned about what happens to the society at large or to the environment. We as humans have the ability to live our own lives without the use of constant technology. We have become so dependent on it to live our daily lives that it’s almost like an addiction for us. Instead of always being on your device get up go outside and meet up with a couple of friends to get something to eat. The world doesn’t always have to revolve around technology. In a way, Wall-E is us, the human race. Us humans are aware of the consequences of our