Starting late only calls for catching up, which is very hard to do. All schools should promote a healthy development of literature, but it would also be in student’s best interest for their parents to show support even before schooling starts. A lot of development goes on in the early years of life. With this said, parental involvement with learning literature is very important. However, parents of lower social classes may need help too, in order for their children to receive outcomes similar to children of higher classes. It is important that parents have both economic and emotional stability themselves to be able to engage in their children’s learning on a daily basis. At times, parents of lower social classes cannot be as involved in learning as they may want because of various reasons, mainly due to economic situations. This is why promoting a more equal system is a difficult thing to do, but possible with better integration of early education systems at school
Starting late only calls for catching up, which is very hard to do. All schools should promote a healthy development of literature, but it would also be in student’s best interest for their parents to show support even before schooling starts. A lot of development goes on in the early years of life. With this said, parental involvement with learning literature is very important. However, parents of lower social classes may need help too, in order for their children to receive outcomes similar to children of higher classes. It is important that parents have both economic and emotional stability themselves to be able to engage in their children’s learning on a daily basis. At times, parents of lower social classes cannot be as involved in learning as they may want because of various reasons, mainly due to economic situations. This is why promoting a more equal system is a difficult thing to do, but possible with better integration of early education systems at school