Rodriguez struggled through a bilingual childhood and writes how he suffers through learning and adapting in two kinds of worlds. He wrote about his bilingual education by telling a few anecdotes of when he was growing up. He was the son of the Mexican immigrants whose main language was Spanish. At home, he would only speak Spanish until he had to go to school, where he was forced to learn English. He would feel different when he went to school. The teacher would pronounce his name like as “Rich-heard” and at that moment he no longer felt like Ricardo. When he would arrive home, he could hear his mother calling out in Spanish if he was home. Home, a place he felt secure and a place where he could belong. While Rodriguez may go to school and learn English, he was not learning the “public” language that he was supposed to use. One day, a few of his teachers came to his home to speak to his parents and explain to them if they could encourage their children to speak English at home. When they left, Rodriguez’s parents told their children to speak English only. As time passed, Rodriguez learned to speak perfect English up to the point where he no longer spoke Spanish anymore. Rodriguez argues that while he was learning the “public” language, he felt like he lost the intimacy he had with his family. Rodriguez spoke few Spanish …show more content…
In Amy Tan 's article, "The Mother Tongue", she composed how being bilingual can influence the people. Richard Rodriguez composed "Aria A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood" which he contends that bilingual instruction can influence how the individual feels about where they have a place and the sentiment being secure. In the article "Peoples Like Us", David Brooks contends that in spite of the fact that there is obviously diversity in the nation, individuals truly don 't respect arranged qualities like we appear to do. All of these articles persuade how people should act with multilingual individuals and how to communicate with them. Out of all these essays, Tan made her point in the best