What defines a person? Is it how smart they are? Their beauty and popularity? Or maybe even their athletic ability? After watching John Hughes’s The Breakfast Club, I have come to learn that defining a person is not as easy as many people believe. It is not as simple as examining their sense of style or who they choose to be friends with. This brilliant film leaves its audience to think twice about judging other people who might not be as different from themselves as they had originally thought. The way this movie portrays how such different personalities come to learn to accept and respect one another gives me hope that more people will judge with their heart instead of their eyes.
As a teenager, I know that the majority of high school students struggle to fit in with their peers, who are ironically probably trying to do the same. In the beginning of the film, it shows five teenagers in saturday detention, all who are categorized in different groups; the criminal, the athlete, the basket …show more content…
This movie has taught me that a person is not a word in the dictionary for anybody to define. Nobody should ever have the right to call a human being a troublemaker, dumb, worthless, or any other harmful words. There are so many things in life that are against us, so instead of hating and calling each other ugly names, we as humans should help one another overcome obstacles that life throws at us. Another life lesson that the Breakfast Club has enlightened their audience is that people shouldn’t be afraid to love themselves. Knowing who you are is the first step in becoming happy. The second step, is being proud of who you are. It is not “conceited” or “selfish” but rather healthy. Too many teenagers today despise themselves, and I believe that self-acceptance is important for a successful development in