In April 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a Letter from Birmingham Jail, in response to a statement that detailed concerns of a few white religious leaders from the South. In his letter King addresses not just the religious leaders who wrote the statement but also avid segregationist all throughout the south. Martin Luther King uses rhetorical strategies such as: ethos, logos, and pathos, to refute the letter issued by his fellow clergymen. In addition to refuting the letter, Kings second purpose is to guide his fellow clergymen to the point where they are able to “…see the justice of our cause and with deep moral concern serve as the channel through which our just grievances could get to the power structure.…
The Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King persuades the white moderates to take his side because of his use of support. In the letter King talks about Hitler and this scares the white moderates into supporting him. King critiques the churches, this is something no one does at this time period. He talks about something all moderates can relate to Jesus. All of Kings support relates to his audience the white moderates to attempt to persuade them to his side.…
Auliq Ice, a singer, songwriter, poet, and author, wrote, “Becoming conscious of racism does not mean you are a racist.” Martin Luther King Jr.’s purpose in writing “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, is to convince the church leaders to take action against racism. In those years racism was at its peak; the most heightened time of racial discrimination. King was determined to convince the leaders to take action and that it won’t mean they are racist. King uses metaphors and allusions in his “Letter from Birmingham Jail” to convince the Church leaders that taking immediate action against the discrimination and immorality against people of color, is crucial.…
“A Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. was written in the form of a letter to express his opposing opinions towards the clergy men. Martin had been put in the jail for parading around without a permit. Also this represents how even though in jail he still conducted to keep his grammar and his writing in check he used no excuse possible and write amazingly and flawlessly. Not only that but he also Is well known for this letter to the clergy men still to this day and he gets props for it all still he is a very well known man who helped shape the history of the world we live in today.…
In his letter, Dr. King defines both “just” laws and “unjust” laws. According to Dr. King, a “just” law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An “unjust” law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. By…
He provides an example of Adolf Hitler. King says, “Everything Hitler did in Germany was “legal’ and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was “illegal. It was illegal to aid and comfort a Jew un Hitler’s Germany” (153). Assassination of Jewish people was legal but unjust. He implies that segregation and discrimination against African Americans is legal but unjust.…
In 1963, the Civil Rights movement in America was at its peak, and along with that was civil unrest. Many of the demonstrators who participated and fought for this cause would end up beaten or incarcerated by the police and military. At the forefront of this movement was Martin Luther King Jr., an African American Christian minister, who would eventually be jailed. On April 16, 1963, from an Alabama jail cell, Martin Luther King Jr. composed and released Letter from Birmingham Jail, a letter written to his fellow members of the church, as well as white moderates. In this letter, King addresses qualms and concerns the clergymen had regarding the way that civil rights activists were protesting.…
Expository Writing Prompt Brennen kaawa feb.1/ 2017 In this writing prompt i'm going to explain the importance of martin luther king's letter from birmingham jail and i am also going to explain the cause and effects of his letter in specific detail The letter that martin luther king wrote was so into detail that it was like this man was ahead of his time. He stated in his letter so many metaphors, quotes and so many heartbreaking facts that it was absolutely unbelievable. What also made his letter good is he went to church with it and used countless facts strait out of the bible i guess that it really payed off being a theologian.…
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for freedom and equality of African American people and is now a well known historical person for what he did for people all around the nation. Segregation and discrimination have been going on for quite some time now. Negroes didn’t have their rights, there are separate places for white people and colored people, white people feel superior to African Americans, and nothing is changing. This is until Martin Luther King Jr., a minister of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, gave his powerful “I Have a Dream” speech and wrote his cogent letter directed to the Clergymen, “Letter From Birmingham Jail.” King was a leader of the African American civil rights movement, lead nonviolent protest, and spoke out against poverty…
In this next section Martin Luther King Jr. makes the argument that some laws meant to be broken; to do so he, defines just and unjust laws and also provides proper examples. King defines just law as “a man-made code that squares with the moral law;” it is a law that is equally upheld by both majority and minority groups (804). He goes on to define unjust laws as “any law that degrades human personality” (804). By accurately defining the difference between just and unjust laws, it sets up the tone for his argument on why it is acceptable to support some laws and disobey others. He wishes to convey the idea that just because a law is put in place by a government, that does not always deem them reasonable and without corruption.…
Dr. Kings responded by explaining that there are two types of laws: just laws, and unjust laws. He described just laws as laws that align with moral or God’s law, and unjust laws as laws that do not align with moral law. He also described just law as law that “a majority compels a minority to follow, and is willing to follow itself,” and unjust law as law that “a majority inflicts on a minority that is not binding on itself.” Using these definitions, he argued his point that willingly disobeying certain laws is, in some cases, the moral thing to do.…
Analysis of Letter From a Birmingham Jail In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. was asked to go to Birmingham to engage in a nonviolent direct-action program and was arrested as a result of this protest. A letter from several clergymen arrived to him during his incarceration criticizing his work as untimely and unwise. Martin Luther King responded to their critique in a “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and explained the necessity of his presence. He explains that his actions were thoroughly planned out.…
While writing the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers knew the importance of human rights for Americans. The ideals of equality for everyone were challenged as discrimination rose. The fight for equal human rights led to the Civil Rights Movement. During this movement, many prominent leaders led the way for change. In the writings, “Racism: The Cancer that is Destroying America” and “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, two emerging human rights activists present their perspective on eradicating racism in America.…
Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is an excellent example of an effective argument; it was written in response to an editorial addressing the issue of Negro demonstrations and segregation in Alabama at the time.…
From 1954 to 1968 the Civil Rights Movement took place in the United States. During this time, strategies and social movements occurred with the goal of eliminating racial segregation and discrimination laws. The movement consisted of many civil resistance campaigns. These operations were led by civil rights activists who wanted to help secure rights and equal opportunities for African Americans. One of the most visible and well known of such activists was Martin Luther King Jr.…