Joseph Jeffers Dodge, a famous painter, grew up in a well-off family as an only child traveling and experiencing the world. Although he did travel quite a bit in his childhood he did not live a very luxurious life. Through many of these traveling experiences, Dodge was exposed to many different cultures which would later on affect his paintings. Before he became a …show more content…
By featuring some of Dodge’s pieces in the art gallery at UNF kids will be encouraged to learn more about him and the things he’s accomplished through the arts. Not only will his pieces educate kids but it will also encourage those who are unsure about their passion for art to get more involved because of the beauty and story he tells through art. If Dodge were alive today to see the number of his paintings that were on display at the UNF art gallery to college students of all ages he would be very proud. His main goal of raising awareness of cultural differences would be complete. College kids that are exposed to his type of work can learn through his wisdom and cultural experiences what life is really