Analysis Of Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Jacobs

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In the narrative Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, by Harriet Jacobs gives first person account of a female slave struggle with sexual oppression. Harriet Jacobs used the pseudonym when narrating because she wanted to protect her family. Harriet Jacobs use of a distinctive double-consciousness to make aware of the multiple identities one as an African American female slave has to develop a sense of self. It is my argument here Jacobs makes use of double-consciousness by using a pseudonym to show there was more to slavery and puts the divisions between gender on a stage.
Harriet Jacob’s autobiography is a popular female eighteenth-century slave narrative. Jacob was born a slave in Edenton, North Carolina in 1813. Harriet didn’t become aware
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Wolfe argument works along with Jacob’s purpose for writing for her target audience. Wolfe presents the gender inequality African American had faced. Jacob’s give us a very detailed account of this issue. The reason why Jacob’s use’s African Americans as her sub audience is to address the importance of taking pride in one self and their heritage. The African American women takes pride in her family ties and risking their lives to put their family …show more content…
She presents her literary criticism on Jacobs Incident in the Life of a Slave Girl book use of death as a symbol for the conditions of slavery and motherhood. She develops her thesis with on how Jacob talk about death and how it tears down the stage of conflict between submission and resistance. The purpose of her argument is to suggest that surrendering and resistance can both be used together to create a new identity being a free slave.
This critical analysis had evaluated the narrative Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs. The themes Jacob presents from the pains of slavery to the psychological abuses are very interesting and engaging. She executed her purpose very well by giving us raw, emotional details of her personal accounts. The problem with her story was not getting the well-deserved social and political impact since for the late publishing. She was often dismissed with being unconventional with her writing. In conclusion, Jacob helped reshaped the definition of a conventional slave

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