(Response) Would you add any? List and describe them.
In the ways we lie, Ericsson discusses roughly ten lies, but there are much more that can be added to this list. She describes the main ones we continuously use on a regular basis and the reasons for lying. The white lie, Facades, Ignoring the plain facts, Deflecting, Omission, Stereotypes & Clichés, Groupthink, Out & out lies, Dismissal, and Delusion. When reading this essay, you would be surprised at the number of lies there are. For one there are way too many, but you will come to realize that some are not as bad as they sound being categorized by a lie.
2. (Summary)What is Ericsson’s point about the …show more content…
Ericsson’s point is to acknowledge that our world is based on lies and bring them to light. She wanted her audience to realize that lying does affect your life and others. I agree with Ericsson on the fact that after reading this essay, I saw little things that we do that is a lie and compared it to my own. We are so used to things being one way, and when we apply a problem or situation to our own, we see that we may have been thinking wrong and can try to fix it or acknowledge we are lying.
3. (Summary) What is Ericsson’s support for the main point?
(Response) Do you think they are valid? Why or Why not?
Ericsson’s main point was describing the list of lies, and she compared it to her life which helps tremendously. By doing this, it helped the reader see and imagine a scenario and be able to comprehend it as well as see that even in its simplistic nature a lie can do damage.
4. (Summary) What is Ericsson’s purpose for her …show more content…
We all do. We exaggerate, we minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people’s feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, we justify lying to the big-guy institutions.” (Kindle Locations 3671-3673). This phrase was the one that reached out to me more than anything. There is no such thing as a good lie. A lie is a lie, and therefore we should be telling the truth no matter if the outcome is wrong or not. Ericsson showed that and explained that by telling lies, your only hurting yourself and would eventually not know what is real or a lie after a while. Telling a lie may fix an issue for just a short while, and finally becomes a more significant situation then if you had only told the truth to begin