Mr. Wisniewski English 101-168
October 5, 2017
The State of our Unions David Papenoe and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, whom are two different marriage and family expert come together to analyze the data and statistics of where marriages in 21st century America stand. Yearly, Papenoe and Whitehead collects datas by surveys through the National Marriage project at Rutgers University which they also teach at. Over the years of collecting marriage and family datas they summarize it through their article, "The State of our Union" (Papenoe and Whitehead 390). In Papenoe and Whitehead's article "The State of our Unions," data shows that single life is increasing with Americans ages of fifteen and older starting in the year of 2007. As single …show more content…
To add on with more evidence on Americans getting married later on in their life, nearly more than 90% of women in the 1970's were already married by the age of forty-five. Comparing to modern day America, only about 70% are married by the age of forty-five which is a vast decrease. Though with men's data, the age range is larger; thirty-five through forty-five but the decrease is a drop down of 40% as well. Even if the modern day generation is less likely to marry sooner, most Americans would want to married and find love because it comes with plenty of benefits. Datas from the section, economic benefits of marriage, shows one of the benefit that come with marriage is income they make as a team. As long as the couple lives, statistics shows that married couples who stay together throughout their retirement age have increasingly 75% more income than a single person. Marriage does not only benefit financially but also mentally and physically. Married couples work differently because they think …show more content…
Back in the 60's, marriage was more for financial and a person's dependency on the other. Data shows that modern day America is different. Today, most Americans now believe on waiting for a soulmate to come around, fall in love and then marry. Though, most American individual's standards are so high that statistics shows that they might never be reached by an individual. As evidence have been collected on the decline of marriages, people are acting to save the idea and the meaning of it. Churches are preaching marriage counseling, and schools are now teaching younger generations more about it. In general, there are more resources that assist in making marriages last and remain healthy. Through that, more people are hoping to revive the meaning of marriage in today's day in age (Whitehead and Papenoe