For McLaren, this was the Russians who, “…have called him a liar and a part of a Western plot to denigrate their nation” (Levin). McLaren didn’t let this slow him down, knowing that he had many others on his side, but Corliss was affected by the criticism in a different way. Corliss feels guilty for wanting to move away from the tribe after college despite their constant love and support. She illustrates this as she thinks about her family: “The family and the tribe were helping her, so maybe she was a selfish bitch for questioning the usefulness of tribalism” (Alexie). Her family supports her but she knows that if they knew the truth they would be against it. I feel similar to Corliss in the fact that I feel guilty for leaving my family back in Texas, and moving all the way to Mississippi, but I am more like McLaren in the fact that I don’t let the guilt slow me down and I know that they are proud of me and are supportive of …show more content…
For Corliss, escaping her stereotype, which she uses to help her on her quest, is important to her as she wants to pursue a career after receiving her college education. For McLaren, that quest is to uncover the Russian doping scandal leading up to the 2016, Olympic Games, to therefore change the outcome of all of the games, and for myself, I am on a quest to receive a college education and work in the fashion industry. The reason we take on these quests may all be different and the initial impact come at different levels, but for all three of us, eventually impacting the world is worth all of the hardships we have to