Boys Of Baraka Analysis

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In the documentary, Boys of Baraka, directed by Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing. They document the lives of four young boys who lived in Baltimore, Maryland, and came from troubled homes, with drugs and alcohol abuse. They video the boys journey from Baltimore to Africa in a two year time span. This program gives the boys a chance to be successful and not end up like other people in their area, which sixty six percent of the African Americans in Baltimore didn’t graduate from high school. This happens from all of the negative behaviors happening in everyday places. The boys come from different homes, where families are split because of the influence of drugs and alcohol. Their attitudes in Africa change tremendously, they seem to be more positive and were learning they wanted to be someone when they grew up. When they get there and start learning, they realize it wasn’t so bad afterall. They were in a better all-around environment. Montrey and Richard are the boys that left me puzzled at the end, because of the accomplishments that they both conquered and the boys they became. Montrey and Richard’s experiences and beliefs seem to demonstrate the limitations of the conclusions of social psychologist like Zimbardo and Asch.
The social psychologist, Philip
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They didn’t let the ghetto city-- Baltimore fool them with the illegal actions that took place there. Montrey and Richard’s experiences and beliefs seem to demonstrate the limitations of the conclusions of social psychologist like Zimbardo and Asch. The experiences that they had in Africa and Baltimore, are two different scenarios, In both places they could get in trouble, but in Africa, there was less crime, narcotics and intoxicants. Reason being said, it was an all around improved environment for the boys to better themselves in many different ways before heading back to the streets of

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