Analysis Of Blue Ocean Strategy

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made the product a must have as is as “edgy and cool”. Along with strong endorsements and advertising, they made a phone that would completely change the needs of customers and the market on its head.

Literature around Blue ocean strategy
Creating Blue Oceans
Blue ocean strategy (herby known as BOS) is a relatively new concept only really being created by Kim and Mauborgne in 2004 with their book Blue Ocean Strategy. Companies that sail the blue ocean are those beating the competition by focusing on developing compelling value innovations that create uncontested market space (Kim and Maubrgne,2005) They believed that customers make purchase decisions based on offering attributes like quality, availability and price (Abhram, 2006). They argue
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Value Innovation
The creators of blue oceans don’t use the competition as their benchmark. Instead, they follow a different strategic logic that we call value innovation. Value innovation is the cornerstone of blue-ocean strategy (Kim and Maugborgne, 2005) It is deemed the cornerstone because it aim to simultaneously provide differentiation and low cost. This then creates buyer value at a low cost which is known as value innovation. Many articles site this as the cornerstone of the strategy (Kim et al, 2005, Abhram, 2006, Butler, 2008)

Barriers to Imitation
When any business looks to innovation we only think of the most successful company. However much of the time it is the imitator not the innovator who is remember. A great example of this is the computer. The PC was created by Micro Instrumental and telemetry systems. But you would find many answering, IBM, Apple or Microsoft. We remember these because they were the first to achieve strategic alignment and commercial success (Kim et al, 2009). As with the case with the Wii it was looking to a blue ocean, but keeping the advantage I had gained was more
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It was a difficult market as your product was both small and low storage or large with bigger storage. The target market was young technologically literate teens and early 20’s. Mp3 players were very difficult to navigate and putting music on them was a task only for people who were computer literate. As well as this there was an incredible amount of illegal downloading of music with Napster the most popular service for getting such music. Napster was coming under the cosh with Universal and many other major record labels to close down their illegal music download service. CD’s at this time were still fairly popular even with MP3 players but this was all to change with the help of

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