As clearly seen in the beginning of the documentary we see the phone box, shrouded in darkness with only one very faint source of light. This immediately provokes the audience to question: Why? What’s happening? And thus get the audience to truly become curious as to what they are looking at and to what might happen next. This technique of using the darkness rather than avoiding it is especially helpful in creating this unique mood of depression, sadness, and the key mood curiosity. Since in earlier parts of the documentary we almost always see the scenes masked by darkness. This technique was particularly well used in moments where we couldn’t make out what the characters looked like, hiding their emotions, which triggers frustration from the viewer and further curiosity. Such moments made the scenes dramatic as well as questionable. The lighting depicted more than just mood, it also helped in telling who this character was. Since moments where Nickolas’s sister was always portrayed in a brighter happier light. Whereas Fredrik was almost always portrayed in shots that were filled with darkness. This made the audience feel more inclined to feel curious of Fredrik rather than the sister, since more could be understood of the sister, thus not provoking this natural feel of curiosity had with Fredrik’s lighting. Sound also …show more content…
In scenes where something important to the story is about to be revealed there would usually be a placement of some sort of sound that triggered a curiosity or dramatic feel that would make the reveal of what occurs further satisfying. Music, although again rarely used does bring with it an element of curiosity, due to the mood created by such music. For example: The dark more depressed music would have the audience suspicious as to exactly why the music is being used, what will happen next and what this reflected of the character. Whereas music that was happier would bring with it relief and nothing but, since in these moments curiosity wasn’t the main focus, although it did raise slight suspicion as to what may happen next. On the other hand, in the majority of the documentary where there wasn’t any particular sounds to be heard, other than the narration, it did give a certain element of curiosity as well as suspense. But both the lighting and sound could not be depicted without the use of clever and abstract angles and shots made by the strategic use of the