In Kim’s case, leaving her state was an escape from the life that dragged her down every day. When she got to …show more content…
They played video games, texted in class, and watched television (191). The difference was, how serious they took their education. In the United States, “Most principles knew their ratios of low-income and minority kids by heart, like baseball players knew batting averages” (162). When the three kids went back to the United States, they said that they felt much more welcomed and warm, but that’s not the way to get good grades and become smart. The kids in the other countries did not have a relationship with their teachers, that was their teacher and they did not share any personal information like American teachers. That is one of the reasons why Finnish, Polish, and Korean kids all have good study habits and ultimately good test scores, and also, why they are a part of being “the smartest kids in the