Analysis Of All Kids Should Take Poverty 101 Donna Beegle

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This article I have read is called “All kids should take Poverty 101” by Donna Beegle. In this article she says poverty is something that should not be taken lightly nor should it be a major issue. It’s very simple to fix and it starts with three different things that will be included in this paper. The three things are Education, society and our willingness to change our ignorance.
This is a personal article and in that way the author, Donna Beegle. Is trying to show the readers that poverty is not a joke and that the government should help more than what they have done in the past. The article shows what Donna Beegle and her family had to go through in her life saying her father had to have several jobs and sometimes they would be seasonal and would not fully provide for the family. She also goes on and says that her family was not very educated and that is where most of the problems are in poverty. She saw that the reason we the nation are in poverty is because we do not change our ways of actually teaching kid’s proper ways to maintain money. She says that schools should start teaching poverty 101 a course that will teach students the problems with poverty and show how to avoid these terrible times. She is aware there is some classes similar to this but she wants it to be mandatory to graduate. Donna Beegle has experienced poverty and knows that it’s not easy and she wants to help our country fight her fight and get rid of poverty or at least slow it down. The article consists of different personal issues that the author faces and some are very compelling and very sad. The emotion she shows in the article is present and you can see she has a strong feeling toward this topic. She is trying to help the readers out by giving them facts about the recent recession and how it affects us all. “The recent recession has proven that none of us are as protected from poverty as we would like to think, that people with incomes from $20,000 to $15,000 identify themselves as middle class, and they can easily be pushed from those levels. Many people who thought they would never be in poverty now need help. Those with college degrees are facing the highest unemployment rates in decades.”(source). The reason behind this Beegle says is due to education and our society and how we as a nation do little to teach the next generation the proper way. Beegle used Opra Winfrey as an example and
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The author is helping us by introducing these classes to help us avoid poverty. There are many reasons why these courses will not be administered and that is due to our current education plans. We in the United States teach our kids to fit in and how to be a role model or make friends and be the best student. Sadly the schools in America do not help us get ready for working outside of high school and how to peruse a proper career. This quote in the article is surprising but it’s true “Paulo Freire, a Brazilian scholar on worldwide poverty, said “Every society teaches its people what it takes to belong”(source)” this is what our education is and we must change it so we can better our future

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