All around the UK, children are struggling with an extensive amount of different issues, ranging from mental illness to physical abuse. These children often don’t have a place to turn when they are in need of desperate help; this is where Childline comes in.
Childline is a private and confidential organisation for children and teens to talk about anything they wish- no problem is too big or too small. In 2013/2014 alone, Childline provided help to over 290,000 young people across the UK and these numbers are increasing daily. Throughout the duration of this year, the 3 main subjects young people have contacted Childline about are family relationships, low self-esteem and self-harm. Visualise how these children would feel if Childline didn’t exist and they had no one to talk to, the absence of Childline in their life could have disastrous consequences. Childline provides someone to listen for so many young people in the UK who feel isolated in the world. Surely if you had a chance to help with that you would, right? But why should you help? How does this affect you, as a school? Obviously Childline is a charity for children and in our school; there are countless children trying to escape their inner demons. As high school students are slowly reaching the impending pressure of exams, students often feel overwhelmed with stress and worry that they need someone to talk to about it. In May 2015, a report by huffington post stated Childline had received an enormous 200% increase in queries about how to cope with exam pressure. In total, the helpline was contacted 34,454 times with children stating that school and educational problems were their main concern- this includes subjects ranging from not coping with school work to worries about going to a new school. It is probable that some of those contacts were made by students from our school. Would you honestly want to deny your students the opportunity of stress relief at one of the most stressful times of their lives? Recently, I read a story about a girl named Sally and how Childline alleviated the dark sections of her life. Towards the end of primary school, she started to be badly bullied which …show more content…
Today’s society is not an easy place for children to grow up in. One of Childline’s most respected qualities is how they are always ready to listen to whatever is troubling any young person, they need the knowledge that someone cares. Over 290,000 children in the space of one year needed the help of Childline, without the public’s funding these children would have less of a chance of talking to someone in their time of need. By working together and raising money to keep Childline going, we can improve the lives of thousands of children struggling with different aspects of life. Before you sit there and think there is no point raising money, I would like to leave you with a thought. Envision yourself as a child struggling with something that is becoming an overwhelming burden on your life and you have no one to talk to about what’s happening. Now visualize yourself hearing about this amazing charity that will help you to get through the obstacles you are facing. Childline does undoubtedly change the lives of so many young people across the UK and with all of our help; they can continue making a