The extent of Amir’s guilt leads …show more content…
He went to Afghanistan, fought Assef, and made a promise to God. Amir went to Afghanistan so he could visit Rahim Khan before he died, he wanted to redeem himself and be good again. Once Amir found out where Sohrab was, he realized that the Talib was Assef, they cleared up unfinished business by fighting for Sohrab. While Amir was making plans for Sohrab to come back to America with him, Sohrab tried to kill himself because he did not want to return to an orphanage, Amir made a promise to God to follow a religion and always pray and never drop religion again. Amir has found redemption through doing the valuable actions that Rahim Khan started him on. Redemption is necessary because without redemption, everyone would not fix what they could have ruined. Amir had damaged a relationship with his half-brother and he was never able to redeem himself because Hassan died, but he made up for it through saving his son. Redemption is necessary because it can save lives, redeeming oneself through many ways can help save relationships and possibly even lives. If someone is hurt so deeply and it gets to the point of being suicidal, then the person asking for restitution may save their life. Redemption is not just something to make oneself feel less guilty, but to help the hurt person move on and feel