This view is supported by Mathies and Gudergan (2007), who mentions that as recent purchase experience influences customers’ reference points, it could be determining factors of price fairness perception (as cited in Stenlund, Remy, & Gerstkamp, 2015). Such perception is more frequent when discrepancies are closer to the intended dates searched by experienced customer than the irregular ones (Stenlund et al., 2015), while failure to address the perception will lead to the negative impact on the hotel as mentioned …show more content…
Noone (2017) classified the concept as THRM, which comprise the consideration of different revenue streams, understanding of customer values which equates to CCRM and the switch from top-line to bottom line to include distribution and operating costs. Examples of such non-room revenue streams are restaurants, spas, meeting facilities that are integrating with RM application, and attracting more research in the field, where several studies have been conducted to focus on the implementation strategies (Guillet & Mohammed,