All Quiet On The Western Front And Night Analysis

Superior Essays
All Quiet on the Western Front and Night Essay The two books, All Quiet on the Western Front and Night, were both about the horrific events that happened in history, including World War I and II. All Quiet on the Western Front is about a young 19-year-old boy who fought within the German Army. Elie Wiesel, who was involved in the Holocaust, writes the book, Night. These two stories are both reminding us how terrible it was back in the day. Both Paul and Elie were involved in wars that were very brutal. In All Quiet on the Western Front, Paul Baumer was a soldier who fought in the World War I. Paul recruited in the army with his classmates from their persuading teacher, Kantorek. They all believed they would fight in the army to serve …show more content…
Chapter 5 explains the living conditions they dealt with at the front. There were lice all over their bodies. Paul finds out that out of all of the classmates that joined the army with him, only 12 survived. Paul explains to all soldiers to cut their emotions off or they will go crazy from the war. In order to survive in the war, they must kill animals to eat. The unknowing if they are going to get attacked or not are nerve-wracking for them. In the text, “We lie under the network of arching shells and live in a suspense of uncertainty. Over us, Chance hovers,” (Pg. 101). The soldiers had to fight rats and gave them some of their bread to survive. Their company gets attacked. Machine guns and grenades kill most of the Second Company. One man is in agony of pain and mourning loud and the whole group tries to find him, but they are unable to find them. The war is just very gruesome and horrible. Since Paul got a leave, he visits his family in his hometown and sees how ill his mother is from cancer. He describes his feelings and how he doesn’t feel at home due to the war. Finally, Paul is the last to survive from all of his classmates. Unfortunately, the war continues and Paul dies. The last page of the book was the most important part of the book, in my opinion. According to the text, “He fell in October 1918, on a day and …show more content…
They finally get to have a prayer and have a feast, which consisted of thick soup. He always questions if he should believe in God or all of the religious beliefs that the Jews have. Elie and his father separate and Elie is afraid if his father will make it or not because he is too weak to work. Everyday Elie would attend work. Elie had a swollen foot from the snow and the doctors had to operate on his right foot. After his operation, the Germans want to evacuate the camps. They had to continually run and in order for him to keep going after the surgery, he had his father’s spirit with him and that is the only thing he believes in. They arrived in Gleiwitz. Elie was there for three days with no food and water. Elie was reunited with his father in the barracks. The Germans evacuated them once again and Elie was thrown into another cattle car. 100 people were shoved into one car. They had countless days were they received no food. Elie’s father is becoming too weak to continue. Elie describes the exhaustion of what his father undergoes. It was really sad to read how none of the doctors tried to help the father. Elie was trying his hardest to keep his father alive, literally everything. On January 29, the day that Elie’s father passed away. Elie was all out of tears that he couldn’t mourn over his father. Elie skipped over many years and described it, as “It no longer mattered. Since my father’s death, nothing

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