Alexander the Great: r.336-323 BC. Commander: 11 years of war, he never lost. He was from Macedonia, and was the most popular conquerer of all time. He was the son of the Macedonian king Philip the second. Macedonia, which was located in the northern edge of Greece, tried to incorporate the Greek culture.…
One of the most well-known and mysterious individuals throughout history, Alexander the Great is known for his valor, conquering, and military brilliance. Alexander's relentless quest for glory, from his rise to fame as a youthful ruler of Macedonia to his famous conquests across continents, had a profound impact on history. This was famously displayed from the important writings of Arrian and Curtius Rufus, in which they dive into the life of Alexander exploring the extraordinary bravery and military tactical prowess that characterized Alexander's victories. Alexander's bravery was apparent from the beginning of his rule. He inherited a country full of ambition and the will for growth as the son of Macedonian King Philip II.…
Alexander the Great was very important in Western Civilization, he conquered more land than any other king in this time. His reign as the King of Macedonia was important because he was able to lay down the foundations for the Hellenistic era. Alexander was the son of Phillip of Macedonia and king of Macedonia. His father, who had died wanted revenge on Persia and Alexander continued with his father’s plan to seek revenge against the Persians. Alexander on the other hand wanted total conquest, he had a dream of one world.…
Alexander the Great has been revered as military genius, tactician, and godlike conqueror. Many of the accounts taken down of his life make him out to be the hero of Western culture and practice. The peoples he conquered and the territories he took over worshipped him as a god and even placed him alongside the likes of Zeus and Ra. The main source used to gain knowledge of Alexander’s life stems from historians and philosophers, such as Quintus Curtius, Plutarch, and Arrian. These writers recorded the events that took place in his life as though they shared close ties to Alexander.…
The assassination of Philip II had allowed Alexander to transform the ancient world through various invasions. Alexander the Great was viewed as one of the greatest military minds because he never lost a battle throughout his many conquests; Alexander's greatest military achievement was defeating Darius III and surpassing the Persian Empire's greatness. In order to achieve his life goal of Hellenism, Alexander created various policies which were intended to unify the East and West however it created a sense of betrayal amongst the Macedonians. The collapse of the Macedonian Empire and establishment of the Hellenistic Age were the product of Alexander the Great's mysterious death; his four generals weakened the empire by dividing the conquered…
In the year of 336- 323 BCE, Alexander the great began his mighty reign over Rome. He is known as “the great”' both for his military skills and his diplomatic talents in handling the various regions he conquered. Although Alexander left with a strong foundation for future years to come any complications arose destroying what was built. Was this transgression at fault of the people, or “The Great” King? Some may say during the reign of Alexander the great was some of the most glorious moments for Rome, but for some it was a time of destruction and corruption.…
Mrs. Evelyn, I agree with you Alexander the Great was an extraordinary and wise leader. He defeated Darius because he possessed efficient resources and managed to use them according. Although Alexander the Great had a small army they had a great leader. Just because Darius had a larger army, access to more resources still did not win him the war. I must admit that you are absolutely correct when you stated that Darius army was larger which made it easier for Alexander’s army to attack and lead them to…
King Philip II of Macedon developed an impressive formidable army, known as the Macedonian Phalanx. In 337 he was chosen to lead this great army of Greeks against Persia. But just one year later King Philip II was assassinated. The new king of Macedon was his son, Alexander III, which was later to be known as Alexander the great, became king at just 20 years old in 336 BCE. Alexander the Great and his inherited army would quickly destroy the Persian empire and dominate virtually all of the territories of the ancient world, as far east as India.…
Alexander the Great was King of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C. During his leadership he united Greece, conquered the Persian Empire and spread culture throughout his empire. Alexander’s father, Philip II started the unification of Greece. When Alexander took the throne he continued what his father started. The treaty of Corinth was the main reason for Greece uniting.…
Our hero Alexander the Great has defeated our enemy, the Persians. He commanded about 30,000 men on foot and 5,000 men on calvary. Our courageous hero first headed towards Asia Minor where he beat a large portion of the Persian cavalry, four times larger than his own. Next he approached southward along the coast where he freed some of our Greek cities from the horrible Persians and then the conqueror demolished a large part of Persias Navy in Phoenicia. Finally, in this ánoixi Alexander searched for Darius to meet him on a wide flatland near the village of Gaugamela.…
Alexander the Great was a noble legend during ancient times, his accomplishments were the strong-point of his life. Throughout his life he made great and powerful decisions, he continued the triumph of his stepfather, Philip II, by growing one of the strongest empires in history. He was a “super hero” by all of his actions and the strength of his empire, his actions changing cultures around the western civilization. His actions and believes in himself, are what made him super hero in ancient times.…
No study of world civilization would be complete without a look at the campaigns of Alexander the Great of Macedonia. Nevertheless, there remain varying opinions as to his actual “greatness”. Through a study of the scholarly book The Campaigns of Alexander by Arrian, the Oliver Stone production Alexander, and my own research, I hope to determine for myself if Alexander is genuinely worthy of the title bestowed upon him. During my high school world civilization class Alexander became a topic of interest to me.…
The army of Alexander the Great contained troops with spears in the left hand, on top of their shields (Everson 11). Alexander the Great was able to push the enemy back, because his shielded troops repelled the defenseless enemy with their spears. Although the Macedonian army were equipped with the Phrygian helmet, Alexander the Great equipped his soldiers with Boeotian helmet because they were lighter, allowed the troops to view the battlefield, provided protection, cheap to manufacture, and the troops were able to hear instructions…
Alexander the Great seemed to be given a name fit for someone who is legendary. We all know his name today, even though he lived sixteen hundred years ago. What made him such a great man? Alexander was born to father King Phillip II and mother Olympias (formerly called Myrtale) on day six of the month Loios (Macedonian month of July). During a majority of this time, King Phillip was away fighting wars, so his mother Queen Olympias oversaw his training and instilled resentment in Alexander about his father.…
The Empire of Alexander the Great, also known as the Macedonian Empire, was a great kingdom that spread from the Nile River in Egypt to the Indus River in India. While it was large and powerful, this kingdom surprisingly survived only thirty-six years, from 359 B.C. to 323 B.C., although its impact lasted far longer. The peak of this empire came shortly before its untimely end, when Phillip II launched the country into its prosperous period by introducing the gold coins and updating military tactics. After his untimely death, his son, Alexander the Great took the throne and expanded the empire. Alexander made the final push into India in 327 B.C., but died in Babylon in 323 B.C.…