The most common belief amongst Alexander’s critics is that he was a cruel and inattentive ruler. However, historians who believe this misconception fail to acknowledge the evidence that expresses Alexander’s redeeming qualities such as good leadership and loyalty to soldiers and friends. These historians also do not realize that a crucial aspect to a great leader is to be successful, which Alexander has more than demonstrated with his triumphs and guidance over territories under his control. Alexander III is entitled to be a distinguished historical figure and has rightfully earned the dignified title “Alexander the Great” through his remarkable leadership, the substantial impact that he had over his conquered territories, and his personal consideration for others, despite the fallacy that he was tyrannical. As a military leader, Alexander had extremely impressive leadership skills and tactics. He demonstrated his ability to be a successful commander through multiple occasions and battles. One of these battles includes the Battle of Granicus River. In Plutarch’s Life of Alexander, Plutarch recalled that when Alexander and his soldiers came across the Granicus River, his soldiers were extremely afraid to cross over the river banks since they feared that the river was too deep and the banks were too rough for them to climb. Alexander demonstrated to his fellow soldiers that they had nothing to fear since he crossed over the river himself and successfully climbed up the river banks. He was able to inspire his men to continue to fight even though they demonstrated a lack of motivation and courage. Furthermore, he showed his perseverance and determination as a commander when he and the Macedonian soldiers faced against Darius and the Persian army. According to Arian in The Anabasis of Alexander, Alexander had only 160 naval ships while Darius had almost double the amount with 300 naval ships. Despite this huge setback with the lack of naval strength, the Macedonian army still emerged victorious in their naval battle against the Persian army. It is evident that Alexander possesses great military skills to be able to train his soldiers well enough to defeat a much larger enemy. Alexander was a formidable commander who served as a backbone to his troops, leading and unifying the soldiers together. As a result, the Macedonian army was a strong cohesive unit who became a daunting force in the ancient world. Some people may argue that it was incredibly selfish for Alexander to have his men cross Granicus River, but his actions should be deemed as selfless instead. He could have easily commanded his men to test out the safety of the river first and cross over when he discovered that the river did not threaten his life. However, he decided to cross over the river before any of his men, which demonstrates that he was a courageous leader and did not prioritize himself over the other soldiers. Although this instance appeared as if Alexander forced his men to continue into battle, regardless of their own will, this was definitely not the case. Plutarch also stated that Alexander permitted his men to rest in quarters whenever they were tired. He allowed his men to leave when they wished and did not force anyone to continue on the expedition if they were unwilling. This information reveals that the claim that Alexander was selfish is unfounded and that he clearly was
The most common belief amongst Alexander’s critics is that he was a cruel and inattentive ruler. However, historians who believe this misconception fail to acknowledge the evidence that expresses Alexander’s redeeming qualities such as good leadership and loyalty to soldiers and friends. These historians also do not realize that a crucial aspect to a great leader is to be successful, which Alexander has more than demonstrated with his triumphs and guidance over territories under his control. Alexander III is entitled to be a distinguished historical figure and has rightfully earned the dignified title “Alexander the Great” through his remarkable leadership, the substantial impact that he had over his conquered territories, and his personal consideration for others, despite the fallacy that he was tyrannical. As a military leader, Alexander had extremely impressive leadership skills and tactics. He demonstrated his ability to be a successful commander through multiple occasions and battles. One of these battles includes the Battle of Granicus River. In Plutarch’s Life of Alexander, Plutarch recalled that when Alexander and his soldiers came across the Granicus River, his soldiers were extremely afraid to cross over the river banks since they feared that the river was too deep and the banks were too rough for them to climb. Alexander demonstrated to his fellow soldiers that they had nothing to fear since he crossed over the river himself and successfully climbed up the river banks. He was able to inspire his men to continue to fight even though they demonstrated a lack of motivation and courage. Furthermore, he showed his perseverance and determination as a commander when he and the Macedonian soldiers faced against Darius and the Persian army. According to Arian in The Anabasis of Alexander, Alexander had only 160 naval ships while Darius had almost double the amount with 300 naval ships. Despite this huge setback with the lack of naval strength, the Macedonian army still emerged victorious in their naval battle against the Persian army. It is evident that Alexander possesses great military skills to be able to train his soldiers well enough to defeat a much larger enemy. Alexander was a formidable commander who served as a backbone to his troops, leading and unifying the soldiers together. As a result, the Macedonian army was a strong cohesive unit who became a daunting force in the ancient world. Some people may argue that it was incredibly selfish for Alexander to have his men cross Granicus River, but his actions should be deemed as selfless instead. He could have easily commanded his men to test out the safety of the river first and cross over when he discovered that the river did not threaten his life. However, he decided to cross over the river before any of his men, which demonstrates that he was a courageous leader and did not prioritize himself over the other soldiers. Although this instance appeared as if Alexander forced his men to continue into battle, regardless of their own will, this was definitely not the case. Plutarch also stated that Alexander permitted his men to rest in quarters whenever they were tired. He allowed his men to leave when they wished and did not force anyone to continue on the expedition if they were unwilling. This information reveals that the claim that Alexander was selfish is unfounded and that he clearly was