Alejandra Gonzalez's Story

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One specific Dreamer, Alejandra Gonzalez, illegally came into the United States as a child because her parents wanted to take their family out of all of the trouble they experienced in their previous country. Ever since Alejandra became aware that she was undocumented at the age of 12 in the United States, she worried about her future and about her safety in the U.S. From wanting to be a teacher, Alejandra realized that being a teacher was no longer possible, especially because she “had to settle for jobs that didn’t allow [her] to use [her] full potential because [she] didn’t have a social security number” (Gonzalez np). She further explains in her story that she “started to live a life full of anxiety, stress and depression because of the uncertainty of my future and the threat of deportation” and that “DACA was an instant relief from that” (Gonzalez np). Alejandra’s story is one of many who wake up …show more content…
He believes that illegal immigrants are a threat to the US today and if the US enforces his policies, “[the country] will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions and billions of dollars and make [the] communities safer for everyone” (…). Trump’s policies focused more on the safety of the country and disregarded amnesty toward these immigrants, especially through his campaign, called “Build a Wall.” Trump thought that the only way to keep the U.S. safe from illegal immigrants was to build a wall in order to control the U.S. borders, especially in the Southern parts of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. This idea of building a wall on the border between southern Texas and northern Mexico shows that Trump wanted to keep out illegal immigrants from entering into the United States, even those who may have been coming to the US for better opportunities or to escape the issues in their home

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