is to create a fellowship where members stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. They are united through their common problem, alcohol. As a result, men and women of all ages, social, cultural and economic backgrounds may attend meetings. The goal of A.A. is for members to stay away from one drink, one day at a time. Furthermore, sobriety is achieved through peers sharing their experiences as a way to provide strength and hope that recovery is possible. More than two million individuals vouch that A.A. is working for them and can work for others. Through providing the assurance of anonymity, it gives individuals who have this problem a safe and judge free environment. As a result, this group is successful in serving as a support system. They strive to establish a program of recovery and are fulfilling this by creating and promoting a program of abstinence. It is known that the “Twelve Steps” has worked well as a guide for alcoholics to maintain sobriety. You can find A.A. groups in approximately 170 countries and it is estimated that there are 115,000
is to create a fellowship where members stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. They are united through their common problem, alcohol. As a result, men and women of all ages, social, cultural and economic backgrounds may attend meetings. The goal of A.A. is for members to stay away from one drink, one day at a time. Furthermore, sobriety is achieved through peers sharing their experiences as a way to provide strength and hope that recovery is possible. More than two million individuals vouch that A.A. is working for them and can work for others. Through providing the assurance of anonymity, it gives individuals who have this problem a safe and judge free environment. As a result, this group is successful in serving as a support system. They strive to establish a program of recovery and are fulfilling this by creating and promoting a program of abstinence. It is known that the “Twelve Steps” has worked well as a guide for alcoholics to maintain sobriety. You can find A.A. groups in approximately 170 countries and it is estimated that there are 115,000