Another attempt deemed the Failed Five by the Bureau of Prisons, included Arthur “Doc” Barker, Dale Stamphill, William Martin, Henry Youngm and Rufus McCain. The five had escaped the isolation unit in the cellhouse by sawing the iron bars of the cells and bending the bars on a window. The went to the edge of the island and were found by correctional …show more content…
Bernard Coy, Joe Cretzer, Marvin Hubbard, Sam Shockley, Miran Thompson, and Clarence Carnes overpowered the cellhouse officers. They gained control of the keys and weapons, arming themselves for escape. They knew that there plan had failed when they realized that they didn’t have the key to the recreation yard door. They fought instead of surrendering, injuring about eighteen officers and killing around three, including the hostages. The U.S. Marines were brought in and ended the attempt. By the end, three of the six prisoners had died. Two more were given the death penalty, while the last was given a second life sentence. (Bureau of