Airport Conspiracy Theorists

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One of the biggest emerging conspiracies in the United States lies at the nation’s largest airport. For many years, the Denver International Airport has been subject to many conspiracies from people all over the country. Conspiracy theorists claim that something sinister and mischievous is going on at the airport and have many reasons and explanations to back up their claims. The major areas where conspiracies are forming are based on five main factors; the cost, underground areas below the airport, the size and location of the airport, various artworks in and around the airport, and the runways. These all lead to conspiracy theorists thinking that the Denver International Airport has dark meanings and secrets that people are not aware of. …show more content…
For efficiency, most airport runway designs are built in a parallel fashion, but that is not the case at the DIA. The runways instead are twisted and turned in different directions, causing them to form a very well-known shape; a swastika. If one were to look at the airport from above, the resemblance is easier to see. Conspiracy theorists wonder why the runways would be built in such an unlikely fashion due to the fact that the more efficient way is to use the parallel design. They also think that the resemblance to a swastika “is either a fascist message to secretly show off the totalitarian power of the New World Order, or that it’s an occult depiction of the old Germanic rune for power.” These claims seem very drastic due just to the shape of the runways. Once again, this part on the list of conspiracy ideas is unconvincing and unbelievable because of how far-out and drastic the ideas by the conspiracy theorists are on this factor. The runways, just as the artwork around the DIA, seem to be only coincidences, nothing …show more content…
Their ideas and questions have led many others visiting or simply hearing about the DIA to wonder what secrets are lurking there. The most commonly questioned topics by the conspiracy theorists relate to the cost, runway design, size and location, the artwork, and the underground areas below the DIA. As the theorists have been making statements and assumptions on these areas, some of them have been shown to offer true questionable concerns, while others seem unbelievable and only coincidences. The cost, underground areas below the DIA, and size and location pose very interesting questions and even though some questions have been answered about these three areas as to why things were constructed or spent in certain ways, there are still questions that are left unanswered. This causes those factors to still be convincing, not necessarily in concepts such as resemblance of the New World Order, but in areas that something secretive is going on at the DIA. The artworks and runway design of the DIA were both interesting areas that were questioned, but they are not believable due to the explanations of them. While many areas of the Denver International Airport offer interesting, disturbing, or thought-provoking ideas about conspiracies, some of the factors leading to them at this airport are

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