I gathered and reviewed National, DHS, and component level air surveillance documents. I needed to be familiar with the general duties and air surveillance responsibilities of the various components within DHS. I also needed to be familiar with the air surveillance responsibilities of inter-agency partners within the federal government. To get a better understanding their air surveillance responsibilities, I reviewed the Federal Aviation Administration National …show more content…
After final review and approval by DA leadership, I placed the DHS (Interim) Strategic Air Surveillance Requirements into the formal AMO headquarters routing process for approval by the Executive Assistant Commissioner.
The DHS (Interim) Strategic Air Surveillance Requirements provides information vital for the assessment of current air surveillance capabilities, and provides baseline information required to address future air security threats, allowing for the development of the best surveillance system, not solution, for the future.
By updating the DHS (Interim) Strategic Air Surveillance Requirements, I have enhanced and improved mission effectiveness and will allow AMO and DHS to achieve 100% domain awareness within their respective operational areas in order to secure the