We cannot compare anything to breathing clean and fresh air. But today, are we breathing clean air? The gases you're taking up by our noise could be slowly killing us. World Health Organization says in their report, in every year about two million people die too early due to the effects of polluted air. Air pollution is a large problem and it is not a problem of people only, the problem of the world also, through such things as global warming and damage to the ozone layer, it has the possible to affect us all. Therefor definitely what is air pollution, what is the cause of this major environmental issue and what can we do about it? This paper is discussing about air pollution. Air Pollution
Air pollution is a gas released …show more content…
Humans are still depending on the burning food for cooking and heating, this leads to air pollution indoor, it will affect badly on their health. And in some places, the wastes are still rely on burning wood fuel for their cooking and heating, and that produces indoor air pollution that can seriously harm their health. In some areas, garbage is consumed without recycled or landfilled this also cause air pollution and land pollution also. Effect of air pollution
Effect of air pollution is dangerous; it will affect the all living things in the earth like human being and animals and also affect the crops and its growth, and creates the earth troublesome and unattractive in different ways.
Human health
Air pollution will badly affect the health of human, we can see from the example of Bhopal Tragedy in India and other incidents in different part of the world. Due to this incident thousands of people killed and injured. Researches show that almost 20 percentages of the cancers are due to air pollution. And pollution also leads to lot of diseases in lungs and problems of