Age Of Discovery Dbq

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During the sixteenth and seventh century Europe began to grow and prosper at a much faster rate. Have you ever thought about how they advanced? About what made the Europeans travel across the Atlantic Ocean or around the Indian subcontinent? Or even how certain countries responded to the advancements being made? What about opinion based questions such as what was the most important outcome from such development in the modern world?
Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth century Europeans traveled around the Indian subcontinent and across the Atlantic Ocean for many reasons. Sailing overseas was a much needed advance towards the age of discovery. The age of discovery is known as the time between the fifteenth and eighteenth century in which
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Europeans would torture those who did not agree with what they had to say. They would kill and injury those in order to expand their land. They ruined not only people but the lands they stepped foot onto. Europeans went to India and took things that did not belong to them.
Like stated they took lives, but they also took gold from those people. They would burn them alive and keep what they found of important value. They were harsh to them and Asia did not like it.
Some of the Indians believed that the Christians were heavenly. While others would question how such holy people can do such harm. They questioned how a high figure would be able to do the damages they’ve done. While others knew the Europeans were only there to become richer and or grow and prosper.
The development of trade, in my opinion, is one of the most important developments from the age of discovery. Personally I believe, that without the different materials provided from different parts of the countries they would not be able to grow and develop. Europeans economic status was also affected by trade during this time. Their countries economic status began to rise once trading became more
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The trade helps the growth of the companies, the amount of income being made, and even getting rid of those they have produced too many of. Countries then and now thrive off of trade and will continue to do so. New advances, developments, and ideas continue to be made and trading the objects continue to be shared.
Others may believe that the other reasons listed above have a much more importance on today’s world. Such as Christianity being the most important outcome. Although spreading religion was in fact important, Europe would have continued with trade, producing gold, which then produced authority and power. Furthermore, the world today would still be prospering without the spreading of religion. Getting other countries to accept their beliefs was not the only way to gain authority from other countries. During the sixteenth and seventeenth century Europeans believed it was in fact a very important way to gain

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