Title I of the law is to provide quality and affordable health care for all Americans. It lets the American people be in control of their own healthcare, reduces insurance premiums, and provide benefits and tax breaks for individuals. It provides more power to consumers, new affordable choices, and provides insurance company …show more content…
It invest in family planning, prevention, disease research and screening, increases preventive services for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, helps promote prevention and wellness in the communities, and improve responses to infectious disease. Provides guidance to transition to a system that is more focused on disease prevention as compared to a system primarily treating people that are sick. The act gives small business, local and state government strategies to develop wellness and programs to prevent chronic disease and strengths the ability to respond to infectious disease and other threats to public health.
Title V deals with the health care workforce. It implement strengthening of the public health system, expand community health centers, increase supply of health care providers, and investing in primary care. The act expands and support healthcare workforce by providing scholarships and loan repayment programs to health care workers in urban, rural areas, and underserved areas where access to care is critical. Also provides funding for new construction and operations of new community health centers, provides funding and grants to primary care