Advantages Of Social Model Of Health

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In order to obtain optimal functional health for an individual it is essential to evaluate their health requirements from many different vantage points. By interplaying the underlying philosophies of the micro focused Biomedical, and macro focused Social Models of health, both pathogenic (Biomedical), and salutogenic (Social model) factors can be taken into consideration in forming a comprehensive overall picture of the social, environmental, physical, and psychological determinants that could impact on the individuals level of health, wellbeing, and functioning. The individualistic approach of the Biomedical model practiced solely by the health sector and health professionals, treats the body as a machine and approaches health from a reductionist …show more content…
Some of the advantages to the medical perspective are that often results are empirical, and so therefore it is easier to justify expenditure on this type of health care. Many individuals feel better mentally when what ails them can be cured by medication, diagnostic tests etc. Prevention of infectious diseases in the population assists employers to minimise disruptions to work productivity. Vaccinations, research, genetics and pharmaceutical advances are continually being made to help extend life spans by avoiding preventable diseases and with these advances comes the potential to completely eradicate certain diseases. Conversely this model is individualistic in its approach to health and ignores how the individual fits within society, the social gradient, broader determinants of health i.e. socio economic status, the role of emotional wellbeing such as stressors on health, or recognise that not all illnesses are curable and it can be costly when unnecessary overtreatment of an individual occurs. Whereas the Social Model of health involves a wider community role on health by looking to address the determinants of health, tries to encourage an individual to take responsibility for their own health through health promotion, education, prevention campaigns, and looks to prevent illnesses where possible before they occur. Some limitations of …show more content…
The Medical fraternity themselves are starting to recognise the importance of evaluating a person holistically, and in response to disease “Biomedicine now admits multiple and interactive causes, and that the whole may be more than simply the sum of the parts.”(……… Supporters of the social model of health also largely acknowledge that the Biomedical approach is needed to deal with many illnesses, disabilities, and diseases, but would like to see other approaches such as natural therapies included in the prevention and cure of individuals, and for the medical profession to not only holistically assess an individual, but to interrelate with social agencies and the community to optimise the best functional result for individuals and

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