Baby boomers and Millennials both drive to get their work done and be the best at their jobs. They both offer many advantages to each other. Boomers offer knowledge since they have been within the industry for years, while millennials offer knowledge about social media and technology. Sarah Milligan stated, “fast changing technology means workers have less time to get up to speed on important new skills. It also means older employees must be willing to learn from younger ones” (Milligan). Younger employees are more tech - savvy which makes them quick learners. Due to millennials being quick learners they are better equipped to help older generations such as baby boomers so that they may get the task done at hand. According to Alexa Kolodny, “I was constantly shadowing and being trained by my co- workers from older generations. I would really learn from them….(Wubbe).” All in all, millennials and baby boomers both want to be successful at that job and that comes with taking advice from each other. Although, Baby boomers and Millennials compare in social media usage, they differ greatly in the ways in which they were parented. Boomers grew up during a time in which parents were not so overprotective. For example, kids could go outside and play or walk around the corner to the store without their parents worrying that something would happen to them. As the years went on into the late 90s, there were such as events such as the columbine in 1999 and several child kidnappings that shifted parenting ways (Tulgan, 2009). There was a cultural shift from lack of supervision to overly involved parents (Tulgan, 2009). Brad Karsh stated, “Parenting styles underwent big changes again in the 1980s. ‘The mentality went from “My children are the most important thing in my life” to “my children are the only thing in my life.’ (Milligan).” This ultimately led to a shift in the type of workers …show more content…
Millennials expect to have flexibility and telecommuting option that allow them to work yet at the same time give them the opportunity to leave the workplace temporarily to care for children (Ballouli). They also don’t want to work long hours due to them having short attention span and reluctance to perform tasks (ballouli). According to Reynolds, “Millennials use a lot of structure in the workplace such as clearly outlined goals, teamwork, and acknowledgement” (Reynolds). On the contrary, boomers tend to be workaholics (milligan). They want to work long hours and don’t really have a work life balance like millennials. Thus, these two different expectations among generational workers leads into different types of job class