The causations of this can be a numerous of reasons. One of which is that caregivers can often get frustrated with clients or sometimes do not understand the elements of the disorder the client possesses and caregiver-client abuse can occur. Another reason is that some of the clients suffer from substance abuse with their mental illness diagnosis and will self-medicate themselves with their substance choice. Certain drugs and alcohol can trigger symptoms of mental health and these symptoms can occur after the effect of substance wears off. Furthermore, members of this population can be abusive towards their loved ones if they are not receiving the proper …show more content…
This shift allowed more emphasis on treatment being in the community and allowed policy changes to ensure it stayed that way. Medicaid, which passed in 1965, offered a better reimbursement towards community based programs instead of the institutions. In addition, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) opened their eligibility towards those with mental illness living in the community. Both of these were able to support individuals with mental illness and broaden their horizons with being able to receive medical treatment and income. The availability of community mental health centers present day are abundance. Members are able to seek out help with most counties and states. On the other hand, rural areas still have difficulties in finding the desired treatment options and may have to end up referring the client somewhere else. Housing is one of these issues in which can be limited in the rural areas like Lenawee