Imagine living in a world where your parents are already gone or your kids never existed! Many people are living in this miserable world. An official spokesman for the United Nations stated: "In less than five years, there will be more than 50 million orphans in just 16 of Africa's 53 countries¨ ( “Africa's Orphan Crisis Worsens”). According to a statistic by ASRM, “1.5 million women in the U.S., almost 6%, are infertile” (“Quick Facts About Infertility”). How would all these kids live alone? Or how could these infertile people have kids? Adoption is a solution for both problems. Adoption should be encouraged by all governments because it benefits homosexual couples, infertile people, and many kids.
Adoption opens opportunities for homosexuals to live their lives with full rights.
In summer of 2015, all states legalized homosexual marriages and gave them full rights. But how could these couples have kids if adoption was not an option? Do you believe that it is fair for homosexuals not to have kids? Standing against adoption is basically the same thing. “Lambda Legal Defense Fund estimates that 6–10 million parents in the United States are gay and that they are caring for 6–14 million children” (Chuck).The only other way homosexuals can have kids is artificial insemination. However, “many states have blocked the use of artificial insemination”.(Chuck). Homosexuals can also have kids by heterosexual coupling, but this method is unfair for one of the “parents” because only one of them is the biological parent of the kid. Adopting a kid is the best way homosexuals can become parents. In addition to being the best way homosexuals can have kids, adoption is also the best way infertile people can live their lives normally. …show more content…
“ The percent of women ages 15-44 with impaired fecundity: 10.9%”( “Infertility”). That means that almost one in every 10 women aged 15-44 is infertile. How could all these people have children if adoption was not an option? Adoption is the only way infertile people can have kids and live their lives normally. Most infertile people adopt kids. According to statistics from the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, “The number of women ages 15-44 who have ever used infertility services: 7.4 million”(“Infertility”). Banning or discouraging adoption prevents infertile people of one of their rights. Moreover, adoption changes some children’s lives. According to an article by Barbara Moe, “The international HIV and AIDS charity AVERT estimated that in 2010 more than 16 million children under 18 years of age have been orphaned on account of AIDS. These children often live in horrendous poverty, cared for by relatives. Some are completely alone. Many are forced out to work as young as four years old. Some become prostitutes and others are sold into slavery”(Barbara). These kids lives would change dramatically if they were adoption.Imagine being six years old and working in dangerous conditions while being payed little or no money. Without adoption, most of these kids would struggle for the rest of their lives. These kids have no time or/and money to get a good education. Therefore, if they were not adopted their kids most likely would go through the same hardships. Furthermore, according to Moe Barbara, “In 1979, overpopulation led the Chinese government to enact a One Child Policy, permitting