Physical changes include:
• Subtle changes in appearance that may escalate over time;
• Increasing isolation from colleagues;
• Inappropriate verbal or emotional responses; and
• Diminished alertness, confusion or memory lapses (StuNursing.com2016).
Other signs to look for are medication irregularities or discrepancies, record falsifications and any patterns of complaints by patients (StuNursing.com2016). Nurses should ignore stereotypes of what a “typical” person with SUD looks like, SUD is a disease and can affect anyone regardless of age, occupation, economic circumstances, ethnic background or gender (StuNursing.com2016). National Council of State Board of Nursing has provided many resources to help nurses identify SUD: The “Substance Use Disorder in Nursing” video, at; The “Understanding Substance Use Disorder in Nursing” online course and “Nurse Manager Guidelines for Substance Use Disorder”