The co dependent person tries to control everything with the relationship and does not address their own needs or desires setting themselves up for a continued unfulfilled life and repetition of the behaviors. Even when the co dependent person meets a healthy person, the person still operates in their own system; often resulting in unhealthy relationships. Codependency is an obsession with the needs of others to an unhealthy degree, and often develops when an addict covers up problems. These problems recycle as with ACOA they go on in life repeating the same behaviors and have grown up so used to the dysfunction that it is normal for them. The family systems perspective with co dependency is a theory that holds, that when we are born, we do not have a sense of self but that the sense of individuality emerges as the infant becomes a child grows into …show more content…
Parental alcoholism as the cause of psychopathology in family members has been met with scepticism and the adult children concept has met with great criticism. However this concept holds true in this case because of the patterns of repeated behaviors . Both topics according to this book have almost disappeared from journals. The model assumes that the child growing up has had trauma however there is no proof of this. However I have noted that addicted families enable the repeat of the behaviors taken up and dysfunction becomes normal. Until now, the discussion has focused on the substance abuse using family; however the member might be a part of SUDs themselves. There is no research that looks into the ways that SUDs impact family life or the mental health of their siblings. This is actually quite odd given the impact of such an