In 2009 I was a happy 22 year old woman with my boyfriend of 3 years and our 3 kids. I was an at home mother and a pretty awesome mother. One night in Nov. 2009 changed my entire outlook on life. I had some dental work done and I was in excruciating pain when a friend suggested a painkiller which I more than willing took. I started taking painkillers for pain but then I started taking it because it made me feel good. At this point in my life drugs to me were cocaine, crack, acid, MDMA, & heroin. I did not know that prescriptions medication were also "drugs". I was not raised around drugs so I knew very little about them. I didn’t know about addiction being a disease or anything about withdrawals. This little pill came from a doctor so it is ok to …show more content…
That 's when I found out what "One is too many and a thousand is never enough" meant. I couldn’t stop with just one and I wanted more and more; a thousand was never enough. My life had hit rock bottom, again. I fought even worse than ever. My mom and I got into little pulling and pushing matches because she tried to take my drugs and drug paraphernalia, to denote any equipment, product, or material that is modified for making, using, or concealing drugs, typically for recreational purposes, away from me. I was mean and hateful and I didn’t care about anything but how I was going to get my next