Cliff O’Conner
➢ Believes that a new product needs to be produced in order to bring sales back to top numbers.
➢ Believes that with some new features added to the iScanner, that the company will be able to bring their numbers back up to the highest for the year because of the previous success rate of the original product
Pat Lambert
➢ Believes that outsourcing may be helpful in producing the product and getting in completed by the due date.
➢ Believes that they must expand their new product into new markets and that there is a strong need for this product in a retail setting
Kelly Thomas ➢ That there is no way to launch this product on time and to ensure that the product and its features are all functioning. ➢ Only one feature will be ready by the due date and Pat is to pick one feature. ➢ Kelly argues to Chris Martinas that everyone is placed on the line in developing the new product by the due date. The product will not be ready by the desired date due to loss of manpower and lack of resources. Kelly argues in an email sent to me about the progress report for the new product. There is a process to follow to ensure what is developed will meet Quality Control standards and the customer’s needs. Quality control is a big factor in ensuring the product is developed correctly. ➢ Relational databases are not something someone can just add on and make it work with a few more lines of code. Chris Martinas ➢ Chris argues to both Kelly and Pat a challenge occurred within the creation of the new product, however, both team members must find a way to get it done. ➢ Budget cuts must ensue even with the new product being developed. Through instructions from the CEO, budget cuts must be 15%. 3. Evaluations Ciff O’Connor ➢ Logical and Sound: the argument is valid that in order to bring up the numbers of the company it would be in their best interest to introduce a new product Pat Lambert ➢ Sound and logical: the argument is valid and true because it will save the company time and money to outsource, and by introducing the product to a new market they are able to service a bigger market of consumers. Kelly Thomas ➢ Sound and logical: Kelly is right about the manpower of the company is weak due to the recent cutbacks. The man power is not strong enough to run the product line and produce the finished product on time. Chris Martinas ➢ Sound and Logical: Chris’ argument is valid because the company needs to cut the budget by 15% in order to stay afloat. By producing a new and innovative product this will help to keep the company in business. 4. Describe specific fallacious arguments and identify the people who hold them. ➢ Ad hominem: Kelly: “To do what, argue again”? ; …show more content…
The economy is not doing so well in turn the company is not going to do so well either. Producing a new and innovative item to sell to the market, the business can further their revenues. ➢ There is not enough time to produce the finished product by August. There is not enough man power to assist with the production of the new item. ➢ The Management team has tried to come up with solutions to the problems of getting a new product out to the market but the team can’t seem to get along and compromise to ensure that this product gets to the consumers.
3. What is the underlying problem that is the base cause of the conflict with AcuScan? ➢ The underlying problem that is the base cause of the conflict with AcuScan is the lack of respect for each individual’s ideas. The management team can not get a long and keep undermining each other’s work so nothing is getting done.
4. What alternative solution would propose for this solution? ➢ For all members of the team to meet in person and all together to pan out any issues or barriers that they may come across when dealing with the production of new product. ➢ Brain storm ideas and come up with a game plan to meet all necessary