Every ancient city had/has an acropolis. I am going to talk about the Acropolis of Athens. The acropolis is the highest point in the city. The rest of the city was built around the acropolis. The acropolis was a place of refuge for the people in case of invasion. Everyone in the city would run to the acropolis for safety from the enemy. Right now, the Parthenon, the Propylaea, the Erechtheum, the Temple of Athena Nike, and many smaller temples are all located on the Acropolis of Athens.
The Parthenon is the most famous building on the acropolis. An interesting fact about the Parthenon is, each end of the Parthenon has relief sculptures. Relief sculptures are sculptures that pop out of the wall, like you can feel the sculptures coming out of the wall, or 3D. The sculptures on the Parthenon show scene from …show more content…
The Propylaea (entrance) was built in 437-432 B.C. Throughout the whole acropolis there are gold silver and ivory statues. Every building that has columns use the Doric style. The (Doric style is thicker, shorter, and plainer than the other types of columns (Ionic and Corinthian). One thing about the temples is that all of the temples were built in the 500s B.C., destroyed in the 480s B.C., and then rebuilt in the 400s B.C. Now the whole acropolis is ruined, but also an ancient artifact.
The Acropolis of Athens as great historical significance. The acropolis itself was the highest and safest place in the whole city. It was used as protection during enemy invasion, the residents of Athens would flee to the acropolis. It was great protection and it was also easy to defend. The enemy had to march up the hill and then when they got up to the top they had to climb over a wall. Also while the residence were in the acropolis, there was plenty of water and food so they could stay in there as long as they needed. Also all of the most sacred building are on the acropolis, here are a