It became the first Chinese government to build a permanent standing navy to protect its water and land territory. The Song Dynasty was divided into two; the Northern Song from 960-1127 and the Southern Song from 1127-1279. During the earlier years of the Northern Song, the emperor built a resilient central administration that would rule the empire and pay great attention to the competitiveness and talent of bureaucrats with the conduction of the examination for civil service by disbanding social standings and connections. The Song Dynasty is the most economically prosperous dynasty in Chinese history. In the 12th century the Song Dynasty became the first government in the world to print its own paper for currency. Technology developed rapidly in the Song Dynasty. Firearms began to be widely used during military combat. The magnetic compass and calculator(the abacus) was also invented in this era. This dynasty had been a period of governmental superiority and intricate public association. There were numerous of schools and places to worship during this time frame. “Despite its great wealth and technical sophistication, it would not survive the great challenge of the 13th century when the dynasty falls to the Mongol conquest”( Judge, 2012,
It became the first Chinese government to build a permanent standing navy to protect its water and land territory. The Song Dynasty was divided into two; the Northern Song from 960-1127 and the Southern Song from 1127-1279. During the earlier years of the Northern Song, the emperor built a resilient central administration that would rule the empire and pay great attention to the competitiveness and talent of bureaucrats with the conduction of the examination for civil service by disbanding social standings and connections. The Song Dynasty is the most economically prosperous dynasty in Chinese history. In the 12th century the Song Dynasty became the first government in the world to print its own paper for currency. Technology developed rapidly in the Song Dynasty. Firearms began to be widely used during military combat. The magnetic compass and calculator(the abacus) was also invented in this era. This dynasty had been a period of governmental superiority and intricate public association. There were numerous of schools and places to worship during this time frame. “Despite its great wealth and technical sophistication, it would not survive the great challenge of the 13th century when the dynasty falls to the Mongol conquest”( Judge, 2012,