The United States …show more content…
Bundling helps to improve quality and efficiency of care because providers know that there is one set payment for multiple services. Accountable Care Organizations consists of multiple health providers that offer medical services across various medical specialties. These providers share the responsibility of cost while providing high quality healthcare to patients. The providers have a clear understanding of reducing the cost of healthcare by not duplicating medical services for patients. Accountable Care Organizations must also satisfy specific quality measures as outlined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. The provider will measure their performance by patient outcome to ensure quality measures are met or surpassed.
Health and Human Services (HHS) has also offered incentives to providers through shared savings programs. HHS has developed monetary rewards for providers that can prove saving as a result of using ACOs. Upside Shared Saving Program is common with the Medicare Shared Saving Program (MSSP). There is also Downside Shared Savings which includes the benefits of Upside Shared Saving Program but, providers also need to assess the risk of sharing healthcare …show more content…
“Widespread meaningful use of fully functional electronic health records (EHRs) combined with a robust infrastructure for broad-base health information exchange can improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare for all Americans” (Blumenthal, 2010). The EHR is an effective communication system that is designed to improve quality care and patient outcome by providing updated information on the patient. The functions of the EHR to include Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) and Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) are the backbone of the health care delivery system. Healthcare organizations must embrace implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). Computer Physician Order Entry (CPOE) is a system that allows providers to enter medical orders and instructions for treatment of patients. CPOE includes the ability to order drugs, pathology tests, and radiology tests in addition to providing result reporting (Hansen, 2006). CPOE systems have a basic Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that may include suggestions or default values clinically based best practices such as drug dosages, frequencies, and routes (Shaffer & Coustasse,