Fight For Abortion

Superior Essays
The Fight for Abortion
Women’s Right to Choose
Alyssa Scruggs
Southwestern College

Abstract Abortion is not the simple binary issue that the media presents it. It is such a complex topic of debate because individuals cannot come to a consensus on whether or not it is needed in our society. The most public debate is the battle between pro-choice and pro-life factions. The pro-choice camp argues that abortion is a woman 's right, while pro-life individuals define the issue as a battle over the life of the fetus.

The Fight for Abortion
Women’s Right to Choose
Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy and also as one of the most controversial issues in today’s American society. The argument
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This is where Americans as a society draw the line on the battle between potential and actuality. No longer being a clump of cells the size of a bean, the development of sustainable organs and nervous system, represents the point at which a fetus is said to become viable, meaning that it has the potential to survive outside of the womb. No longer needing complete reliance of the mother, a fetus becomes its own person. Considering the fact that one is given up to 24 weeks to reach a decision of abortion, a fetus after 24 weeks is undeniably a human life and should be given the opportunity to it’s …show more content…
There is no scientific consensus as to when human life begins, just a matter of philosophic opinion or religious belief. Human life is a scientifically calculates that sperm and eggs are alive in itself, representing potential human life, yet virtually all sperm and eggs are wasted. Understanding that, it is also more dangerous to try and stop legal abortion. The war on legal abortion will always continue because there will always be a mother somewhere that cannot or would not want to raise her child or go through with giving birth. With legal abortion, we as a society can at least drastically reduce the number of harmful abortion alternative. Women have every right to choose whether abortion is right for them, but it is also the responsibility to decide before the clump of cells turns into a self sustainable human life. Prochoice is not pro-murder. Understanding that everything has to have an equal balance of good and bad. This is why abortion she stay regulated as such until further evidence or technology can progress the

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