The first stage of pregnancy is fertilisation, when the sperm and egg meet. After about six days the blastocyst (Sperm + Egg) begin to try and burrow into the uterus wall. 60 to 80% of blastocyst fail to implant into the uterus wall and get flushed away in the next menstrual cycle. After roughly two weeks since fertilisation it starts to form into …show more content…
Under the crimes act 1961 in states grounds for having an abortion. They are, serious danger to life, serious danger to physical health, serious danger to mental health, any form of incest or sexual relations with a guardian, mental sub normality and fetal abnormality. These grounds are for pregnancy that are under 20 weeks. Factors that aren 't official ground rules but will be taken into account are extremes of age and sexual violation. There is no legal age you have to be to consent or refuse an abortion, this means your parents cannot force you to have an abortion or continue the pregnancy. Doctors who have a conscientious objection to abortion can refuse to perform/provide the service. However they are required to inform you of other health care provider’s to perform the abortion. If you want to have an abortion when you are 20-24weeks pregnant you will likely need to travel to Australia. Getting an abortion is legal with the agreement of two certifying doctors in New Zealand. So currently in New Zealand it can be rather difficult to get an abortion though many other countries allow abortions right up until you give …show more content…
These groups aren’t explicitly pro-abortion, they are more pro-choice. They state “New Zealand women deserve the right to choose.” I am for this as it is their own body that they should have the right to do what they want to do. Women should not be forced to keep a child they do not want, especially if it wasn 't their fault that they are pregnant. For example, if they were sexually assaulted. Abortion NZ is much the same and offer lots of information and support around abortion. These websites/organisation seem to downplay the violence in a late term abortion (second and third trimester) which I think they should not do. When we are talking about late term abortions we are talking about a baby being killed and pulled from the womb. This should not be allowed.
I think that the law needs to change so that an abortion can only be performed at the early stages of pregnancy when it is still an embryo (before 9 weeks). Abortions after this should be made illegal. I believe this because at the early stages of a pregnancy it only has the potential to be a human being but after this I believe it is a human being and there for an abortion after 14 is weeks is murder and should be made illegal across the