Sanger proclaims to her readers; “ (Abortion) is an abhorrent operation which kills the tenderness and delicacy of womanhood, even as it may kill or injure the body.” She goes on to explain that infanticide in itself has been occurring since ancient times, and still in more modern times and is an outcry of womankind for freedom. She sees the solution to these problems, both abortion and infanticide as educating all women on how/why to use the scientific contraceptive methods and devices available to them. According to Sanger, these practices (both infanticide and abortion) are a horror that would become obsolete with the correct knowledge and practice of birth control for all who needed it. In a survey conducted by Margaret Sanger herself in 1920, 20% of all working class women had undergone an abortion at some point in their lives. Another study that same year revealed that 10-23% of educated middle class women have had an abortion. With the consideration of various methods of birth control available at that time, condoms, spermicidal, diaphragms, sponges, rhythm method, withdrawal method, and of course permanent sterilization, one can see how many of those pregnancies that resulted in abortions could have, and could still likely be prevented in the first place. And when used consistently and correctly, one can find evidentiary support for Sanger’s claims on birth control being the solution to eliminating the need for infanticide and abortion. Condoms had an 84% rate of success, diaphragm 88% withdrawal 78% rhythm method 78%, withdrawal 78% sponge 60% 80% spermacide 74% and permanent sterilization 100%. These all present just cause to believe in Sanger’s ideology of using birth control as the prevention against infanticide and abortion. Sanger asserts in Women and the New Race that large families are evil, causing perennial suffering to both the nation at large, and the family itself, gravely impacting each member. Sanger paints a vivid picture of her passionate stance against large, “overbreeding” families. As she describes, the father cannot
Sanger proclaims to her readers; “ (Abortion) is an abhorrent operation which kills the tenderness and delicacy of womanhood, even as it may kill or injure the body.” She goes on to explain that infanticide in itself has been occurring since ancient times, and still in more modern times and is an outcry of womankind for freedom. She sees the solution to these problems, both abortion and infanticide as educating all women on how/why to use the scientific contraceptive methods and devices available to them. According to Sanger, these practices (both infanticide and abortion) are a horror that would become obsolete with the correct knowledge and practice of birth control for all who needed it. In a survey conducted by Margaret Sanger herself in 1920, 20% of all working class women had undergone an abortion at some point in their lives. Another study that same year revealed that 10-23% of educated middle class women have had an abortion. With the consideration of various methods of birth control available at that time, condoms, spermicidal, diaphragms, sponges, rhythm method, withdrawal method, and of course permanent sterilization, one can see how many of those pregnancies that resulted in abortions could have, and could still likely be prevented in the first place. And when used consistently and correctly, one can find evidentiary support for Sanger’s claims on birth control being the solution to eliminating the need for infanticide and abortion. Condoms had an 84% rate of success, diaphragm 88% withdrawal 78% rhythm method 78%, withdrawal 78% sponge 60% 80% spermacide 74% and permanent sterilization 100%. These all present just cause to believe in Sanger’s ideology of using birth control as the prevention against infanticide and abortion. Sanger asserts in Women and the New Race that large families are evil, causing perennial suffering to both the nation at large, and the family itself, gravely impacting each member. Sanger paints a vivid picture of her passionate stance against large, “overbreeding” families. As she describes, the father cannot