Outline the nature and extent of the health inequities suffered by this group
The contrast between ATSI’s and the rest of the Australian population in relation to health equity is the largest contrast that can be found within health statuses in Australia. This can be accounted for due to increased likelihood of ATSI’s experiencing disability and/or a reduced quality of life due to ill health. This inequity is clearly seen as currently Indigenous Australians tend to die earlier than non-Indigenous Australians and their death rates are almost twice those of non-Indigenous Australians. Coinciding with this is the life expectancy for each group displaying a clear inequity with non-indigenous …show more content…
Stemming from this, due to the lack of education, literacy levels are much lower compared to people of socioeconomic advantage, leaving the capacity to use health information substantially lower, in turn decreasing the practice of preventative health measures such as lifestyle changes and chronic illness avoidances.
Much in the same way environmental determinants play a defining role in the inequities suffered by ATSI’s. Due to their location in relation to major urban centers and health services, ATSI’s tend to suffer inequities as they are unable to reach these required services for adequate treatment for health problems such as cancers and other chronic health …show more content…
The main target areas for this program included raising awareness for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes kidney disease, in order to promote the concept that these conditions are not inevitable and are in fact preventable. The program aimed to do this by encouraging a change in lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle to help prevent these conditions and improve the health of those who may already be suffering. Furthermore the program aimed to raise awareness of how regular checks from a doctor or other health professional can help prevent and manage illness. Despite its beginnings as a government program, its focus has shifted to a more community driven campaign allowing ATSI communities to enact their own health programs directly relating to the creation of supportive environments, which not only addresses the underlying problem it furthermore enacts all 3 principles of social justice, being equity; and the fair allocation of resources and services, Diversity; recognising a difference in culture and socioeconomic status and tailoring specific services to ensure that a fair and equal health standard is met regardless of differing sociocultural/economic status’ and finally environments by increasing access to health services regardless of their geographic