Letitia Merrill
Kaplan University
In the case of Sally and Mike, the use of the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention works to help them through this time of inability to work through their crises on their own. Sally is in a crisis over her inability to handle the death of their son due to cancer at the young age of six-years-old. She is unable to comprehend why he was taken before her. To Sally, this is an unnatural order of death. She wishes she could exchange places with her son. She is unable to move forward in coping with his death. This is what has caused Mike to be in a crisis over being unable to help his wife. He has come to terms with their son’s death. He is under the belief that their son was sent to them to do a job. His son’s job is done. Once the job is done it is time to go no matter the age. He does not know why his wife is unable to move forward in the grieving process. Mike does not know how to help his wife. He does not know why she is having so much trouble with their son’s death, when he has been able to grieve and move forward. (“HN220 Unit 7 Case Study Script: The Case of Sally & Mike”) In the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention the “A” stands for, “…developing and maintaining rapport…” (Kanel, 2015, p. 49) To develop a …show more content…
2015, p. 49) Sally is simply not coping. This has caused concern for her by her husband, Mike. He has the coping skills to handle their son’s death. He does not know why his wife does not. (“Unit 7”) Sally needs to discuss how she has coped in the past. Some of these skills may apply to the current crisis. She may need to learn new skills to cope with her son’s death. A support group, secure commitment and a follow-up visit may be the best way to help her to move through this current crisis. She may need to hear others have gone through the loss of a child and have had trouble processing it. (Kanel, 2015, p.