This study has two study samples, a surgeon sample and subject sample. The surgeon sample was composed of OMSs randomly selected from the population of AAOMS members between June, 2011 and May, 2012, stratified by census regions (midwest, northeast, south, west). To avoid seasonality that might bias the results, each OMS was randomly assigned to enter data for one month during the 12-month study period between June, 2011 and May, 2012. Participants were required to enter data for the all eligible patients during the month that they were assigned.
To be eligible for study enrollment, the OMS participants had to: 1) be an AAOMS member and agree to participate in a P-BRN sponsored by AAOMS and submit required data to the AAOMS national data repository for all patients for whom they performed an operative procedure in an outpatient setting, 2) be in private practice based in the United States, 3) deliver anesthesia in the office-based ambulatory setting. Exclusion criteria for OMSs samples were: 1) full- or part-time …show more content…
The instrument was an update of instruments developed and implemented in 2000 for the AAOMS anesthesia study (Perrott, et al, 2003) and age-related third molar study (Haug, et al, 2005). These instruments were informed by the AAOMS Parameters of Care: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The collection instrument included information on drug dosages, additional patient risk data, and an expanded section on personnel utilized during each