Even the message had not arrived to Russia, the Imperial Japanese military invaded Port Arthur, which located east south of China. “Czar Nicholas II was speechless. He could not believe that Japan would attack without a formal declaration. With close to 150,000 men, Japan decimated the Russian army of 50,000 men.” Surprising invasion by Japan was succeed and did many amount of damage on Russia. As soon as the Japanese’s first invade finished, affair at the initial hours of the war, Japanese troops once again boarded on “10 destroyer ships to Port Arthur, and there were 2 Russian destroyers patrolling this port. Giving the Russians no time to act, Japanese destroyers sunk the two patrols.” The goddess of victorious belong to Japan again. Japan first conquered Chi polo and began to expand the territories by getting two more surrounding cities, Pin Yong and Yong Ju. During the middle of the war, between February 20 to Marh 10, the largest land battles ever in the world history took place before World War I. This battle is called the Battle of Mukden. The battle was launched as a surprise attack on the Russian’s military base and it was a substantial but not decisive for Japan victory as the Russian army had not destroyed that much. “The Russian forces of about 370,000 troops faced the Japanese armies of approximately 250,000 troops...Russian casualties included about 26,500 …show more content…
One of the reason is the transportation problem from Russia. Before the war, in late 19th century, Russia launched to build railway on Chinese territory for commercial exploitation. But this was a bad news for Japan. “The potential of the railway as an instrument of economic control, colonisation and military policy caused alarm among Japanese leaders.” But, later on, as the war begins, Russia used the railway, the Trans-Siberian Railroad, as the military transportation. Trains were fast enough to support Russian with commercial purposed in China, but it was not fast enough for the military purposed. In addition, most Russian’s supply and industrial capacity were located in the European side, which is not close to Asia at all. However, Japan, on the other side, already had expanded and be prepared their army for the war in China, which remained after Sino-Japanese War in late 19th century. The Japanese troops could easily get support from their nation faster than that of Russia. This is one of the reason that many historians believe Russo-Japanese War was very obvious war.
Furthermore, at that period, the Japanese were able to spend an astronomical amount of money on weapons during the war than Russians were because Japan were allied with the British. One of the popular investment on Japan at that era was confirmed by Jacob Schiff, who was the Jewish-American financier. He arranged more than $200 millions as loans for the Japanese to increase